Calculations for the Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Section

The Resident impact and facility capacity section of the Overview tab in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) shows real time information about COVID-19 infections across your organization for a selected period of time.

Item Name



The look back based on the selected filters. For example, 06/23/2020 09:40 - 06/30/2020 09:40.


The number of residents admitted or readmitted who were previously hospitalized and treated for COVID-19 based on your facility census and the case status of History of.


The number of residents with new laboratory positive COVID-19 based on the case status of Confirmed (D).


The number of residents with new suspected COVID-19 based on the case status of Suspected.

Total deaths

The number of residents who died in the facility or another location based on your facility census.

COVID-19 deaths

The number of residents with suspected or laboratory positive COVID-19 who died in the facility or another location based on the case status of Closed - Deceased (In House) or Closed - Deceased (Community).

Current census

The total number of beds that are currently occupied based on your facility census.