PCC How to Scan Documents into the Misc Tab

You can upload and store resident specific documents in the Misc (Miscellaneous) tab. For example, copies of insurance cards, medical reports, Power of Attorney, and other legal documents.

The documents are placed in categories to help you organize and manage the information. Categories are also used to determine the modules from where documents can be accessed and viewed. In addition to categories, you can use filters to find documents by uploaded date, category, effective date, and effective date of document.


Do one of the following:

Admin > Resident Chart > Documents or Misc.

Clinical > Resident Chart > Documents or Misc.

Click New Document.


Complete the fields as required.

Enter the Name for the file or choose a Category




Category - Options are based on the module(s) selected in online documentation storage category.

Next click Choose File

You can upload a file size of a maximum of 5 MB.

You can upload these file types: BMP, CSV, DOC, DOCX, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPEG, JPG, PDF, PJPEG, PNG, PPT, RTF, TXT, WPD, WPS, XLS, XLSX, XML, ZIP.



The option to delete or edit the document is always available.